9 Reasons to choose aluminum windows

It is common to see aluminum windows on commercial properties, but it has recently become a popular choice for domestic aluminum window installations.
In recent times, aluminum windows have consistently delivered great results on fronts such as energy efficiency and design. As a result, they are now on more of a level playing turf with PVCu window options. Aluminum not only matches the efficiency of PVCu, but also makes room for flexibility in design.
That means unusually shaped or oversized windows are within easy reach of property owners looking to use glazing in their homes to create striking features.
Whatever the size or style of your window installation project, the professionals at HouseFacing can get the job done.
Briefly discussed below are nine reasons to go for aluminum windows:
Aluminum Windows are Strong

One standout property of aluminum as a material is, it is ideal for window frames. Since it is a low density metal, it is easy to craft very slimline window frames which are strong and sturdy. The superior strength of aluminum affords you solid window frames that can withstand all weather conditions with no contraction or expansion during frosts or in bright sunlight.

High Security

It is common knowledge that security levels for windows are typically near the top of the list of factors under consideration when choosing windows. The strength and sturdiness of aluminum offers adequate strength to weather any attacks. HouseFacing uses the best available parts and multipoint shootbolt locking systems to secure your aluminum windows. To further guarantee your peace of mind, you can specifically request for the Secured by Design accreditation.

Aluminum Windows Provide Numerous Design Options
With aluminum, you can get bespoke window designs to fit your preferences. This means that homeowners have total flexibility when choosing their design options. You can opt for designs like triangular aluminum windows, large, multi-level windows that have pointed tops or even unusual four-sided shapes for really stunning modern designs.
Curtain walling style and triangular windows are becoming increasingly popular in the domestic market
HouseFacing also offers aluminum windows that match in with aluminum bi-fold doors.

The Choice of Finer Details

Apart from being able to use aluminum windows to achieve impressively unusual shapes and styles, you can also choose from a range of profiles for outer frames, sashes, cills, and beading in your aluminum window design. In addition, you can opt to have your window frames in any color with the option of dual color frames that can be matched with your internal décor as well as exterior render or brickwork.

Aluminum is Long-lasting

Aluminum, Unlike PVCu, has a really long life-span. You can use aluminum windows for a long time without worrying about the potential to become damaged or worn out by extreme weather conditions or lack of maintenance. Aluminum can withstand any punch that the Canadian climate can throw at it, maintaining a rust-free appearance for years to come.

High Energy Efficiency

Another beneficial property of aluminum is its high energy efficiency. In addition to that, Housefacing’s thermally broken aluminum surpasses all important energy benchmarks, across the entire range of products. You can choose to buy your frames unglazed or glazed from us. You could also get double or triple glazed units. Note that this is contingent on the level of energy efficiency you are looking to achieve.

Several Glass Options for Aluminum Windows

If you opt to have your aluminum windows delivered glazed, you can select from a wide range of glass choices for additional design flexibility. The available choices include colored, patterned and obscured glass. You even have the option to opt for solar control or self-cleaning properties for extra efficiency and lower maintenance costs.

Amazing Views

One of the main benefits of aluminum windows is the slim sightlines that can be achieved as a result of the strong and sturdy nature of aluminum. It’s especially impressive if your home has a beautiful view that you are looking to make the most of with designs.

Aluminum windows are highly recyclable. This is because aluminum has an exceptional recycling property – it is 100% recyclable – when compared to other metals. The amazing thing is, the quality of recycled aluminum is nothing short of that of virgin aluminum. This makes recycling aluminum over and over again possible. In fact, about 75% of all Aluminum ever manufactured is still in use today. This is great for aluminum supply, especially when you take into account the high demand for aluminum. At the moment, the annual demand for aluminum is around 29 million tons. And while it takes about 14,000 kWh to produce a ton of aluminum, it takes around 5-10% of the aforementioned figure to recycle 1 ton of aluminum. This translates to lower costs and smaller carbon footprint.
So, if you care about your environment, aluminum’s high recycling property makes aluminum windows an excellent option. This is helpful in reducing costs and carbon footprints.

If you are looking to get the best aluminum windows for your home or business, do well to contact HouseFacing @ (Insert Contact Information) so we can discuss your project plans.

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